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Posted on September 18, 2008
I include here a few more responses to my 9/11/08 newsletter Breast Implants for your Wife?.  Our discussion via emails has been about a Christian guy's response to his wife if she wanted to spend $5,000 on breast implants strictly for cosmetic purposes.

The initial first responses I received varied widely from favorable to against.  The second round of responses, however, decidedly leaned against such surgery.  Here's some of what you husbands had to say:  (Thanks for trusting me to keep your comments anonymous)

1) There is no way I would ever approve of my wife, my best friend, placing something into her body that could threaten her good health. There are too many stories about muffed boob jobs. I know two women who had failed procedures, and they both regret ever having it done. If she had a mastectomy and needed reconstructive surgery then that's a different matter. But not for cosmetic reasons.

2) My wife's body belongs to me, and mine belongs to her.  Our bodies are not our own.  They belong to God and to each other.  So, since I'd be against it, end of story. (Reader was referencing 1Corinthians 7:4)

3) My first wife came home one day and stated that she would like to have a boob job.  A local doctor was doing the surgeries one after another, and she had talked to some of her friends who had it done.  I was unemployed at that time and asked my father for the front money for her.  I did not tell him what it was for, just that it was a special gift for her.
After the surgery, I was the one who held her hand as she dealt with the pain.  I was the one who carefully rubbed the cocoa butter on to help heal the scars.  I worked odd jobs to make the first two payments.  As soon as she had healed, she began a torrid affair with her boss and after a few months of a lot of hurtful games, we separated, then divorced.  I had not considered her motivation for wanting the implants.

4)  It just so happens that my wife is wanting implants right now.  She is irked because of my disapproval.  She can't believe I'm so "insensitive" to her need for self esteem.  It has driven us to seek counseling.  I now see I should have been more attentive to her needs over the years and building her self esteem.  I'm making a concerted effort to do so now.  I pray God will bring us into agreement on this and other matters.

As for my own views, read my 9/11/08 blog Bigger Boobs or More Inner Beauty.  In a word what I say in the blog is that our hyper-sexualized and materialistic idolatrous culture has radically biased our Christian life styles.  As the years go by, we tend to unconsciously accept more worldly viewpoints.  It is the ole frog in the kettle syndrome -- when a frog is put in a pot of room temperature water, it will continue to remain in the pot provided the water is slowly and gradually brought to a boil. 

Our wildly erotic, pleasure-first culture is reason enough to take time to hear from God so that worldly values don't overwhelm us.  To do this, we have to regularly get things quiet on the outside to enable us to be able get quiet on the inside.  Then we can come into His presence by immersing ourselves in His autobiography (Isaiah 30:15).  This is crucial in keeping the world from gaining control of our hearts. 

When we hold our culture at bay, we're much happier, treat both friend and foe much better, and fulfill our God given purpose for his placing us on the planet in the first place.

Here's how the Message Bible puts it: Find a quiet, secluded place so you won't be tempted to role-play before God.  Just be there as simply and honestly as you can manage.  The focus will shift from you to God, and you will begin to sense his grace.  (Matthew 6:6)  

Men Who Win are rewarded as they get tighter with Him.   Thanks again for your responses.

Bigger Boobs or More Inner Beauty
by Gary Chester

I've just re-read the responses to my 9/11/08 newsletter question, what would a Christian guy's reaction be to his wife who wants breast implants.  As I read them, I recalled this verse in the New Testament that to me hits home:   Don't be concerned about the outward beauty that depends on fancy hairstyles, expensive jewelry, or beautiful clothes.  You should be known for the     
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