Posted on July 11, 2012
Join with men from throughout our region who are serious in their journey to walk like Jesus. We will encourage one another and hear testimonies from down to earth men fighting the same battles as you. We will strengthen relationships and equip men to disciple and sharpen one another. Don’t miss this exciting opportunity to be challenged and renewed.
Begins: Friday, August 10th
Majestic House Restaurant- Draffenville, KY
Moves to: The Hill
989 Hardin Wadesboro Rd.
Hardin, KY 40248
Ends: Saturday, August 11th
The meal Friday night begins at 5:30pm at Majestic. Then we travel to The Hill, (B.A.S.I.C.) in Hardin. We will have overnight accommodations there. Breakfast and lunch on Saturday will be included. The cost is $50, make checks payable to Iron Sharpens Iron. Reserve your spot by calling Andy French at (270) 296-0146 or emailing