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Posted on December 4, 2008

As cancer is to the body, porn is to the soul.
As health is to the body, godliness is to the soul.

This thought that I read sometime ago spoke to the fabric of my inner being.  I want to pass it along to you along with a splash of hope.

I've personally had encounters with cancer (in remission), porn (previous habit); health (presently good), and godliness (in progress - Philippians 4:12-14).  I've learned some things along the way from the encounters.

I've learned we guys who wear the Christian label often tend to be like lambs to the slaughter.  We blindly follow the slick, deceiving patterns of the world unaware of being hoodwinked (Matt 5:28 and 1 John 5:20).  No, I'm wrong here.  We really are aware.  We just don't want to come clean.  This means we undervalue the damage of yielding to sin and underestimate the blessings of God when we decide to get honest with ourselves and God.

Because of our culture's sanction of porn -- you know, it's just a man   thing, like shopping is to women -- and its easy accessibility, we can easily be ambushed by its lure.  But the question is just how long do we allow ourselves to stay hoodwinked? (Matt 16:26 and 1 John 5:18).

Brothers, let's tackle head-on the thing that is cancerous to our very souls (Ephesian 6:10-18).  Let us instead embrace what brings health (Philippians 4:8).  

Porn is beatable - by fully letting go and letting God. (Philippians 4:8-9)

Listen to my 20 eight minute radio shows about victory over porn.   Click "Kicking Porn".

by Gary Chester

I know two former womanizers and porn users in my church who now love God and love to please him in all they do and think.  But the sex of their past is so ingrained in their mind that images come back and back to torment them.   

They hate these images, but the images entice them to remember back when, and to even embellish on them.  They don't know whether their anguish from the images is just from something deeply entrenched in their minds or is an assault from Satan.  They just know the agony of trying to live for Christ can be very, very heartbreaking and discouraging at times.
Both were sexually abused when young boys.  This started these brothers down the path of sexual perversion read more

If you know of specific solutions God has given in such situations, let me know.  I may print them and, as usual, will keep your response confidential and anonymous.

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