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10 Minutes to Transform your Life

Posted on January 10, 2008

I'm in touch with men every week who can't figure out why they feel a nagging sense of emptiness.  They, however, really don't think about this much one way or the other.  They keep themselves busy with work, ESPN, and as much sex they can get.  

Plus, when these men pause long enough for some self assessment, they can't express their sense of emptiness and shallowness to other men because it might be misinterpreted as failure in life.  You see, others might see them as not having it all together, and at worst, a loser. Most men couldn't handle the possibilty of that scenario.  But deep within they wonder if they have what it takes to be a real man.

I've also struggled with this "do I have what it takes?" syndrome.  But the M.O. of Jesus has helped transform me.  He got away by himself regularly to isolated, solitary places in order to draw close to his Father for the purpose of nourishing his soul.  In fact, his public life was based on this fueling of his private life.  (For the way this began for me, read my blog, I Gave God Just Three Months).

It's real simple.  God transforms a man into a new person when he spends time with Him, one on one.  It doesn't happen without this. 

In the new year, consider making your top priority getting up 10 minues earlier to experience His presence.  I suggest either one of two approaches:
  1. Taking your time, go through the books of John and Romans.  (I personally prefer the easy read of the NLT translation)  Also spend some time in Proverbs.  And when in a meltdown, get reassurance from the Psalms.
  2. Or use a day-by-day devotional.  (I like Henry Blackaby's Experiencing God Day by Day Journal)

Make these 10 minutes non-negotiable.  You'll experience astonishing changes with your destructive habits and in your relationships with your wife, girlfriend, kids, friends, and work associates.

You'll be less restless and tense, more content and at peace than ever.  More importantly, God will be able to use you in ways you've never dreamed of or imagined.

10 minutes a day!  Make it non-negotiatable to be a man who wins.

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