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Ease Your Burden

Posted on November 3, 2011

Ease Your Burden


Shortly after Gary (our founder) passed away, the Iron Sharpens Iron board of directors started working on honoring all of Gary's contributions to men's ministry by building an all new Men Who Win website.  I am proud to say this site is now completed and online. You will find it much easier to navigate.  It has a fresh clean new look.  But most importantly, it is loaded with great content to help you and help others stay focused on our journey to become the men Christ has called us to be. 


All of the great life lessons Gary gained through immense pain are there for you to harvest.  You can stand on his shoulders.  Because of the price Gary paid, Christ can offer you a chance to lighten your burden and ease your yoke.  Have you ever thought about it like that?  As his followers, we serve as Christ to the world.  When we allow him to use us, he takes our pain and uses us to help others navigate the painful moments in their life.  Sometimes even completely avoid those times of suffering.  That is just one of the ways Christ fulfills his promise in Matthew 11:30.  Gary so openly shared his pain and agony in his journey in hopes that it would help you in your journey.


Gary achieved his ultimate goal of becoming more like his role model than he even realized.  Even though Gary has already gone home, his life continues to touch others.  Just like Jesus, Gary is still being used by God.  Isn’t that what we should all hope to achieve, a life that continues to impact others beyond the races end.


Visit the new Men Who Win website.  I know you’ll find help in your journey.


In Christ,


Jamie Futrell

Chairman, Men Who Win

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