Posted on December 26, 2008Here is your critical strategy to joy in '09. This is a sure, true game plan, despite the nation's money meltdown, your own personal meltdown, and whatever else that could rob you of your joy.
FOCUS ON OTHERS, not yourself. (Philippians 2:3-4)
There it is - Joy for the New Year.
People who are sold out to that which is greater than themselves - helping family and friends, or those less fortunate - get the most "bang" out of life. They are more joyous -- not a continuous high, mind you, but a happier "bang" than the ones who are always looking out for "good ole number one."
You'll be the recipient of more "kick" out of life than the one thinking "money will solve my problems, and success will make me happy," as Man in the Mirror's Patrick Morley puts it.
You'll possess more inner peace than the one who stands before the mirror watching his or her life drain away (wrinkle city, here you come). (Read my 1/01/08 blog about the reason that some of my wife's family members are constantly well contented.)
TURN THE SPOTLIGHT OFF - off yourself. Forget your own self-importance, your aches and pains, your feelings and fears. Instead get busy focusing on others.
The terminally ill know this truth. You work out priorities quickly when you're near death. No one, who's about to cash in the chips, ever wished he'd bought that new car or spent more time at the office. What does matter is what you did for others will continue to exist after you're gone.
Everything else is this myth that is perpetuated by the media: "More things and more worldly success equal wholeness of life." What a crock. Don't buy it.
(Philippians 2:3-4).
Happy New Year!
Gary Chester Morse
Men Who Win Ministries
The Secret of Three Mostly Happy People
I know three people who are as internally joyous as anyone I know. My wife, her Mom, and my sister. (And before he died, my wife's Dad)
Here's their secret. These family members incessantly help others. And they are constantly in good fellowship with their friends.
Helping others involves being sensitive to those around them who are in need of a leg up - some of them friends; others, strangers. For instance, my wife is regularly checking on read more
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